
一座传统与现代审美相融的当代艺术场馆:大同古城東南邑 · 念夏艺术中心 | WTD纬图设计

纬图景观 看见景观 2023-10-11


Nianxia Art Center is a contemporary art venue that blends traditional and modern aesthetics, based on the artistic heritage of Dongnanup, the ancient city of Datong, and continues the concept of organic urban renewal of Dongnanup, which is to "protect, utilize, and revitalize".



It is located in the northernmost part of the southeastern corner of the ancient city, a semi-open street corner interface, and one of the landmark buildings in Datong ancient city, Taiping Building, across the street. The landscape space consists of three areas: the entrance square, the alleyway behind the building, and the roof of the building. When a modern art building faces a traditional loft building, the dialog between the two is the focus of the designers in this project.



The entrance is an irregular city corner that wraps inward and opens outward in an arc. In terms of plan composition, the designer abandons the square pattern commonly used in the traditional space of the ancient city, and instead extends the arc inward from the boundary, outlining a more inclusive and energetic entrance plaza with smooth lines.In terms of spatial form, inspired by the natural mountains and rivers of Datong, the designer extracted the lines of the mountains to simulate the ups and downs of the earth's mountains and rivers. 



The rising angle of the structure is the same as that of the top of the Taiping Building on the opposite side of the street, which is also a tribute and echo of the traditional architecture. The curvature, volume, and height of the uplifted structure need to be considered in conjunction with the overall volume of the entire art center to ensure integration with the surrounding environment, and the designer needs to make repeated calculations.


It is a multi-surface three-dimensional structure with gradual torsion from the plane to the façade, and the thickness and angle of the structure change with the morphology. Each step of the façade is unequal in height, and the height of the curved lines is constantly changing, making the structure extremely complex. The design needs to confirm each point from the three dimensions of horizontal, vertical, and vertical, fix the point and set the elevation, and then release the line according to the design drawings on site to clarify the precise position of each point.



The paving material chosen is a light yellow marble with natural texture and smooth lines, so that the material tone in the grey-toned space of the old city can be certain to jump out. In this way, a smooth landscape art construction can be realized. Walking under the forest, resting on the steps, interacting with the cascading waterfalls, participating in the theater, the undulating terrain enriches the space and generates a more energetic stage space at the same time.




The back alley courtyard was originally a cramped alleyway between buildings, with the back façade of the building in the historical and cultural district on one side, and the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building looking out from the interior of the art gallery on the other, which is a negative space that is difficult to utilize in itself. The wall facade of the building on the historic district side still has more than one meter of exposed red bricks, which has an even more negative impact on the view of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the art gallery.



The designer utilized the staggered steps against the wall to eliminate the influence of the red bricks in the background, and at the same time added an outdoor relaxation area. The local color pattern of the steps is inspired by the Datong caldera scrolls, using rusted metal plates to express the hot caldera, and using the stacked steps to create a more exhibition space.



A few Sapium sebiferums dot the landscape, which can be used as a casual outward swing or as a supplement to the outdoor gallery of the art pavilion for viewing and participation. A dissolving background wall is transformed into an outdoor street with artistic temperament.


The roof of the first-floor building is also a negative space that would otherwise not be utilized. When one looks out from the second-floor terrace, one is very close to the roof of the first-floor building, and the view is obstructed and oppressive.



However, standing on this roof, one can get an open view to appreciate the top space of Datong ancient city buildings. Therefore, in this area, the idea of the design is to transform the original closed conventional roof combined with the terrace into a social platform for people to participate in the view, using the sloping roof and arranging the steps to look at the terrace.



The illusionary glass installations embellished on the grandstand will change different colors according to the color of the sky and the light, reflecting the pink evening sunlight of the Cosmos, as well as a splash of bright and warm colors in the grey architectural complex. Modernity and tradition collide, fashion and art combine, and an open, shared, free-growing, pioneering contemporary art landscape space is created.


Project Information

Project Name: Nianxia Art Center, Dongnanyi, Datong
Project Address: Datong Ancient City, Shanxi
Owner: Huaxia Jianghong Holdings

Landscape Design: WTD GROUP
设计团队:李卉 李彦萨 余治富 石桂霖 李淑君 周震宇 夏雪 李理 王玥 于红燕 宋照兵 胡小梅 张书桢 邓玲 庞虹宇 周芯宇 刘翔宇 

Design Team: Li Hui, Li Yansa, Yu Zhifu, Shi Guilin, Li Shujun, Xia Xue,Zhou Zhenyu, Li Li, Wang Yue, Yu Hongyan, Song Zhaobing, Hu Xiaomei, Zhang Shuzhen, Deng Ling, Pang Hongyu,Zhou Xinyu,Zhou Zhenyu,

Architectural Design: Chongqing Lianchuang Architectural Planning and Design Co.
Landscape Construction: Luzhou Hongmao Ancient Architecture and Landscape Team

Completion Time: 2023.05
Landscape area: 3216㎡
Photography: Prism

感谢  WTD纬图设计

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